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Meghan and Lou’s Engagement

While in Massachusetts visiting some family over this early autumn weekend, we had a chance to take what must have been one of the most pleasant days of the year and spend it with some wonderful couples. Meghan and Lou were one of those couples.

These two extremely pleasant medical students had just finished some exams only the day before. Happily, their only required extra credit was to serve as our models for the day. Whether it was the ocean or the beach grass or the sand or a simple ice-cold Snapple machine serving as their backdrop (hey, we had to try it!), the session was all about the two of them first, and the scenery second. Meghan and Lou had an easy-going familiarity that made them a real pleasure to photograph. Meghan has this natural beauty both inside and out. And Lou is a gentle rock. Together, they are a wonderful couple.

As we just got back from our trip to Massachusetts, I’m providing this early slideshow preview while you wait for their complete engagement gallery to go online (most likely sometime on 9/27/05). Enjoy!

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