We could not have had a more enjoyable time at Caroline & Jason’s wedding. The day started with their seeing one another privately before their ceremony. We love these periods because of the opportunity to catch such unique and emotional moments. It’s not “traditional”, but it worked beautifully for this couple, who are ALL about doing things differently. Fantastic!
They had so many unique details at their wedding – from Caroline’s pink striped designer shoes, to open seating with vases of varied gorgeous flowers on each table by the Floral Cottage, to hundreds of origami swans handmade by Jason, to a Beatles tribute band. Peggy Merced, their tireless coordinator, made sure every detail was perfect.
To show how much emphasis this hip couple placed on time together, and making sure this time was recorded with style and vision, Carol & Jason had asked us to join them the next day for a photo session in the orchard where they were engaged. They put their wedding clothes back on, and Jason brought his late model Honda motorcycle for some really cool photos (Caroline had a modified helmet complete with veil!). We then went to a nearby diner for a burger and pie, with us still shooting the whole time.
Caroline & Jason, we can’t thank you enough. It’s been so nice getting to know you and your families. And being raised in LA (Louisiana) myself, I felt completely at home with so many of your Louisiana guests. I should have asked for a few down-home recipes to take with me.
Your gallery will be ready in time for your return from your honeymoon, in the “Client Proofs” area of our main website. For now, enjoy this slideshow preview. Click the PLAY button to start the show. And for any who would like to leave a note for us or for Caroline & Jason, please click the “Comments” link below. Enjoy!
More of Caroline & Jason’s choices:
- Venue: Round Hill House, in Washingtonville NY
- Florist: Floral Cottage
- Caroline’s pink-striped shoes: Hollywould
- Jason’s motorcycle: 1975 Honda
- Honeymoon: Peter Island, British Virgin Islands
Ulysses - It looks as if more and more family and friends are finding Caroline & Jason’s pictures. Word spreads really QUICKLY!!!
This is fantastic. Jenni and I hope everyone is enjoying the photos! We’d love to hear from you about some of your favorite images and favorite moments from the wedding day. We want to hear from all of you Louisiana and other Southern peeps!
BTW, and make sure you get to look at Caroline & Jason’s “morning after” session, the photos from their day AFTER the wedding. It was one of our most enjoyable times with them.
October 19, 2007 – 11:29 AM
Keith & Megan - What an amazing wedding! The Sparkler photo captures one of the many memorable moments. We had a Blast! You two are made for each other, a great depiction of true love.October 16, 2007 – 10:20 PM
Jessica Johnston - lovely! I like the image where she is hugging him after the “first look”.October 15, 2007 – 9:20 PM
paul - Welcome home J & Caroline. The preview of the photos are great. Can’t wait to see the rest. Can’t wait to see you guys. DadOctober 12, 2007 – 9:48 PM
Floral Cottage - You Did It again!!! You captured every beautiful moment of Caroline & Jason’s Wedding.
Congratulations to Caroline & Jason! We enjoyed watching your selection of pictures.
Great photos. Keep in touch.
Sue, Floral CottageOctober 12, 2007 – 4:47 PM
Lauren Draley - Amazing pictures! We had a fabulous time at your wedding. Congrats, Caroline and J. Hope you are having an amazing honeymoon.
– Lauren and DaveOctober 11, 2007 – 10:05 PM